What we did?

User-centered design

We helped the client materialize their vision strategically, from concept to mobile app. This was done through a five-week initial discovery that allowed us to gain the necessary insights to design and develop the platform. We conducted thorough user research with parents and soon-to-be parents to understand the needs, wants, and motivations behind potential users and create an app that could attend to our learnings.

Building a prototype for testing

A prototype was meticulously crafted and subjected to rigorous testing involving both parents and future parents. Their invaluable feedback served as a compass, guiding the development process and ensuring that the end product resonated seamlessly with the expectations and needs of the target audience.

From idea to product

A ready-to-use mobile app for Android and iOS was built from the ground up, demanding technical expertise and a profound comprehension of child
psychology, learning patterns, and storytelling dynamics. From user interface design to backend infrastructure, every detail required meticulous consideration to ensure a seamless and immersive experience for the young audience and their parents. This app contained:

  • An onboarding session for the parents, during which they could establish basic information about themselves and the child.
  • A child profile section where the parents can see the day’s challenge, the children's attribute scores, measurements, and a journal area.
  • A journey section where the parents can see activity details, progress, and milestones, and generate a story.
  • A parent account section with profile information, settings for child management, notifications, security, and legal information.
  • A CMS platform that enabled administrators to manage users and handle steps and activities to create stories.

Application of AI

AI was leveraged to build innovative features in the app. This has been one of the system's main challenges and an essential one since the functionality to make tailor-made stories for children is core to the product. For this feature, we had to:

  • Make sure that all the AI-generated stories are suitable for children.
  • Prevent the AI from promoting gender stereotypes and ensuring all characters are gender-neutral.
  • Keeping track of the stories' themes, contexts, and character types so that they are diverse and randomly generated.
  • The themes should cover imagination and creativity, friendship adventures, facing fears, nature exploration, problem-solving, dreams and aspirations, learning and discovery, kindness and empathy, and family bonds.
  • The stories’ contexts should include mountains, campsites, homes, schools, forests, under the sea, and space.
  • Lastly, we should include animals, magical creatures, explorers, toys, and siblings among the characters.

Results / Business Goals

Accomplished V1 in record time

12 weeks to create a fully functional mobile application.

Trusted Partnership

We built a long-term relationship with the client by successfully delivering their product vision.

AI Leading the Way

We leveraged the latest technologies to enhance the app’s functionalities and add user value.


AI Backend - Python and Django
AI Testing - Promptfoo
Backend - Ruby on Rails with Active Admin for the CMS
Frontend - React Native with Expo and Typescript
Database -  Postgres
Infrastructure - WS: VPC, ALB, ECS, ECR, RDS, ElastiCache, S3, CodePipeline, Route53, WAF, SES, ACM
