Smiling girl studying and writing, surrounded by many books. The image captures a joyful and studious moment, showcasing the enthusiasm of the young learner immersed in a sea of knowledge.
Smiling girl studying and writing, surrounded by many books. The image captures a joyful and studious moment, showcasing the enthusiasm of the young learner immersed in a sea of knowledge.

What we did?

Measuring Physical Activity to Improve Health

EXI is a Digital Therapeutic (DTx) specializing in the science of exercise and behavior change. It aims to prove that personalized physical activity can significantly impact population health. To track the progress of their participants, Rootstrap developed integrations with health wearables (Apple Watch, FitBit) and built data flows to pass the information through to the application. EXI then consumes the data to display the results on different dashboards for users and their doctors/caregivers.

Building a Content Platform for Physical Activity

A CMS for content and programs was designed to address 23 different conditions, including diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and depression. Based on EXI’s prescription for a participant's health concern, users can sift through various lessons related to their ailment. Rootstrap designed and developed this module so patients could easily access the information needed to remedy their chronic illnesses.

Accessing Health Data Across Dashboards

Many participants are introduced to EXI through a hospital, clinic, or employer. As such, these establishments need to view and track their patient's physical activity and progress; health data is shared to help inform and plan care via their secure, penetration-tested, and GDPR & HIPAA-compliant web-based data portal. Rootstrap developed this portal and its accompanying dashboards so doctors and nurses can accurately manage all their patients’ health.

Ensuring Compliance for a Burgeoning Medical Tool

EXI is not just another fitness app, it is a medical tool that encourages good habits that positively impact medical conditions. Similar to how a doctor would prescribe medication, EXI prescribes physical activity that must be monitored. As such, Rootstrap had to ensure they were building the application in compliance with major regulations, including FDA, NHS, GDPR/HIPAA, and ISO Standards.

Incentivizing Users with Rewards

In order to incentivize patients to use the platform, Rootstrap developed a rewards program that would enable good behavior, that is, being active on the platform. By layering on sophisticated motivational systems, rewards, and incentives, EXI can achieve lasting behavioral change for their participants.

Key Technologies

Frontend - ReactJS
Backend - NodeJs, Express, and GraphQL
Mobile - Swift & Kotlin
Data - PostgreSQL database
Infrastructure - AWS
